Thursday, August 5, 2010

Post op Day 4...

So I think I have figured out the way this works. Day 2 you feel better and think everything is going good, then day 3 comes and OMG I was miserable!!! Day 3 have been by far the worst so far. I started on my full liquid diet and had my 2 ounces of soup and 1 ounce of pudding. I was way excited to be able to eat these..its been a while since I had actual substance in my tummy. Shortly after eating this small, small amount, I realize that my tummy is still not healed. I didn't think about that before because I wasn't putting anything in it. Man this was way uncomfortable, but its part of the process. I was managing the pain OK, still walking, and everything. The surgeon came in and told me I looked amazing and was doing great. It was a plus to hear that from him because I wasn't feeling so positive at the time. He said I was cleared to go home and he would see me in a few weeks at my post-op appointment. I was thrilled to be able to go home and sleep in my bed and see my Roxy girl! We left the hospital and I slept the whole way home. We got home and I was feeling very sore, so I slowly went up stairs and laid down in my own bed. Gosh how I love my bed! :) We all 3 (Dan, Roxy and I) napped for about a hour then off to the grocery store with mom to get the new diet stuff. Creamed soups, cream of wheat, sugar free pudding, and yogurt! Oh so yummy in the small tummy! After the grocery store we went to Dads to watch the White Sox game. This was my first tough encounter so far. Shortly after we got there the ordered pizza and wings. My fav foods of all times lol. I measured my 2 ounces of yogurt and sat and eat it while they all ate pizza. I was proud of myself. I can do this! Then home and I think I took the longest shower of my life. The hot water just felt so good. Then I carefully got into bed and Dan tickled my arm (which I love) and I fell asleep!! I slept for 12 hours!!! I must have needed it after all that time with no sleep in the hospital. Today I woke up and made myself 2 ounces of cream of wheat, which was my first time ever eating this. Wasn't too bad. Now it has been about 3 hours and I am feeling a little hungry, but could also be bored. I'm tyring to figure out what my body is telling me. Its hard, but I do feel better today and I think I will continue to get better and hopefully no more days like day 3! Rest and relaxation is on my agenda for the next week or so...I can't wait!

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