Yesterday afternoon I had my first nephrologist (kidney dr) appointment since the surgery. I went in and I was honest with him. I told him I was not taking my medicine like I should have, but I then explained why. It is hard to crush and open 19 different medications and mix them with 2 ounces of food. This was gross and made me feel so sick. I was honest, terrified that he would get upset with me, but I was not going to lie. He said he understood, and said we would talk about the medications I was on. We talked about everything, and the results were awesome!!! Also my kidney function was better and my labs all looked pretty good.
I now only have to take 3 medications!!!!! I have to take my 2 immunosupressants and 1 blood pressure med!! Also on both immunosupressants he lowered the doses. I am so excited! I went from 19 medications to 3, and this is only in 3 weeks. I have to take the immunosupressants to keep my protein down, and obviously the blood pressure medication to maintain my blood pressure. He was impressed with my weight loss and glad that everything went well with the surgery!
Well this made all the rough times totally worth it!!!
What wonderful news.....keep it up girl!