Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Post op Day 2

Morning of surgery:

3:45 am is way too early to be setting an alarm! Of course I didn't get much sleep, but I was up and ready. Mom warned us not to be late and she would be there at 4:45am to leave. So Dan and I planned ahead and were standing on the curb at 4:40am!! We wanted to impress her...then 4:45 rolled around and we are still standing there...4:46am...4:49am...4:53am!! She was the late one!!! Then to QT we went so everyone could have a drink, except me of course. Finally we were on the road to Banner Gateway Medical Center in Gilbert, AZ. Ok, so I was thinking howmany people could there be at patient registration at 5:30 am??? TONS! We wated like 45 minutes just to get checked in. Then back to my cubicle of a room where I met my Pre-op RN Candy. Shortly after this I met with my surgeon and anesthesiologist. I was set and ready to go! Game Dan and mom hugs and kissed and off I went!
After surgery:
Everything went well according to the Dr. I obviously don't remember much about it, but I can feel it thats for sure! He did however tell Dan and my mom that I did good with the pre-op diet and completly cleaned out so they could see everything they needed to see. All I remember was coming up to my room and Dan and mom were here along with Dad and Deanna. I was HOT HOT HOT! Nothing could cool me down. I had a washcloth on my head and bags of ice on my feet, then one of the bags on my feet came open and my bed was soaked. After I was in my room for 4 hours I needed to start walking. Wow this was way more difficult than I thought it would be. When standing I was dizzy, light headed and sick to my stomach. How in the world was I going to walk??? But I sucked it up, and off Dan and I went down the hall. The first time I made it to the end of the hall and I was spent. All I could have was oral swabs with a little water on it. I have never been as thirsty as when someone says you cant have anything. I continued to walk and get my pain medicine every 3 hours, which was only working for 2 hours (so the last hour is no beuno, but I try and nap at that time). That was pretty much all that happend. Walk...oral swab...pain meds...sleep! Oh so very exciting!

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